Asia Noise News Environment



2020年是充满风风雨雨的一年。事实上,影响整个世界的一件大事无疑是 Covid-19 大流行。毋庸置疑,疫情给经济、社会等诸多方面的发展带来了不小的波折,但在这种情况下,有一个迹象显示出明显的积极信号:环境的变化。

图 1 马来西亚首都吉隆坡晴朗天空的照片(照片:Filepic)。

根据来自 The Star 的 Ming Teoh 的马来西亚新闻报道,为应对 Covid-19 在马来西亚传播而实施的行动控制令 (MCO) 给该国带来了积极的环境影响(Teoh,2020 年)。人们惊叹于干净的河流、湛蓝的天空以及自然和野生动物的恢复。当然,由于行管令限制了很多人的活动,街道和城市道路比平时的噪音水平要安静得多。改善的噪音质量导致噪音污染降低,这使得动物群的声音更加明显。但是一旦解除行动管制令大家恢复正常生活,这种积极的环境状况还能持续多久呢?是否有足够的时间让环境正常恢复?

马来西亚能源、科学、技术、环境和气候变化部 (MESTECC) 环境部 (DOE)

马来西亚能源、科学、技术、环境和气候变化部(MESTECC)的环境部(DOE)一直非常关注这个问题,特别是该国的噪音质量。他们不断更新指南以处理各种应用的噪声或振动,例如车辆噪声、环境噪声或环境中的室外噪声源。在已发布的环境噪声限制和控制指南(2009 年)中,美国能源部指定了一张表格,显示不同应用的允许声级,如表 1 所示,作为指南中的示例之一(空气与噪声,2019 年) 。

表 1 能源部发布的指南中列出的允许声级示例。



Written by:

Khei Yinn Seow

Mechanical Engineer

Geonoise Malaysia



Air & Noise, P. S. C. S., 2019. Guidelines for Environmental Noise Limits and Control (Third Edition), Putrajaya: Department of Environment Malaysia.

Teoh, M., 2020. Blue skies, less waste: Covid-19 and the MCO’s effects on the environment., s.l.: The Star.

Asia Noise News Building Acoustics Environment Industrial Vibration



在印尼,振动水平标准由环境部国务部长第 12 号法令规定。 1996 年第 49 号法令。制定本法规是为了确保人类和其他生物的环境可持续性。因此,有必要规范因振动而可能干扰人类健康、其他生物和环境的企业或活动的影响,并控制与振动相关的污染和环境破坏。


  1. 符合所需的振动水平标准。相关许可证中规定了这一义务,以控制每项相关业务或活动的振动水平
  2. 安装防振装置
  3. 至少每三个月向州长、部长、负责环境影响管理的机构和负责相关活动的技术机构以及认为必要的其他机构提交一次振动水平监测结果报告。


  1. 原始振动水平确保舒适和健康
  2. 基于冲击损伤的机械振动标准等级
  3. 基于建筑物类型的机械振动标准水平
  4. 冲击振动标准等级



加速度 = (2πf)2 × 位移

速度 = 2πf x 位移



如上所示,振动的峰值速度限制分为 4 类:

  • A类:非破坏性
  • B 类:可能对抹灰造成破坏(裂缝,或者在某些情况下灰泥可能从墙上掉下来)
  • C 类:对承受载荷的结构部件可能具有破坏性
  • D 类:承重墙破坏的高风险



  1. 商业用途建筑物、工业建筑物及类似建筑物
  2. 设计和用途相似的住房和建筑物
  3. 对振动敏感的结构不像1号和2号那样,具有较高文化价值的建筑物,例如被保留的建筑物



4结构强度高的建筑物(例如由混凝土和钢材制成的工业建筑)10 – 40


  1. 使用的设备是:
    1. 振动传感器(加速度计或地震计)
    2. 振动计或振动分析仪
    3. 滤波器 1/3 倍频程或窄带(Filter 1/3 倍频程或窄带)
    4. 记录振动水平(水平或 X – Y 记录仪)
    5. 振动水平仪分析仪(FFT分析仪)
  2. 测量程序
    1. 振动带来舒适和健康:
      • 避振器放置在地板或振动表面上,并连接到配有滤波器的振动计
      • 测量装置安装在偏差大小处。如果该工具未配备此功能,则可以使用数量转换。
      • 对每个频率 4-63 Hz 进行读数和记录,或者通过振动记录仪进行扫描。
      • 13个数据的测量结果如图所示
    2. 整个建筑物的振动

      • 测量方法与人体舒适度和健康的振动测量相同,只是使用的量是峰值振动速度(峰值速度)。
    3. 如何评价
      • 图表中描绘的 13 个数据与振动水平的标准限值进行了比较。如果某一频率的振动超过规定的标准振动值,则称振动超过标准振动水平。振动等级标准分为a、b、c、d 4 级。



  1. 建筑结构是建筑物的一部分,经过规划、计算和旨在:
    • 支持各种负载(恒负载、活负载和临时负载)
    • 注重坚固、刚性、可靠的要求,保证建筑整体的稳定性。例如:刚架结构(框架)、承重墙结构(承重墙)
  2. 结构构件是建筑结构的一部分,保证结构的功能。例如:框架的梁、柱、板。
  3. 承重墙是垂直平面形式的建筑结构,用于支撑其上方的荷载,例如楼板或屋顶。
  4. 非结构是建筑物的一部分,未规划或未用于支撑荷载。例如:隔断墙、窗/门框。


  1. 结构损坏,会危及建筑物的稳定性,甚至倒塌。 (例如,柱桩可能会导致建筑物倒塌)。
  2. 非结构性破坏,不会危及建筑物的稳定性,但会危及居住者的安全(例如:隔墙倒塌,不会使建筑物倒塌,但会伤害居住者)。


  1. 轻微损坏是指不会危及建筑物稳定性并且可以在不降低其强度的情况下修复的损坏。
  2. 中度损坏是指会降低结构强度的损坏。要恢复到原来的状态,必须进行额外的加固。
  3. 严重损坏是指危及建筑物并可能导致建筑物倒塌的损坏。


Hizkia Natanael
Acoustic Engineer
Phone: +6221 5010 5025
Email: hizkia@geonoise.asia

Asia Noise News Building Accoustics Environment Industrial



我们首先要知道的是工厂内部的噪声源会发出多少噪声。噪声源通常用两种方式描述:声功率级(Lw 或 SWL)和一定距离内的声压级(Lp 或 SPL),最常见的是 1 m 距离内的声压级(Lp 或 SPL)。有多种方法可以获取某些噪声源的信息——首先,如果选择了设备类型和型号,设备制造商通常会在其数据表中报告噪音水平。然而,大多数噪声预测通常并非如此,因为噪声研究通常是在指定设备供应商之前完成的。因此,预测噪声排放的第二种方法是遵循研究人员开发的经验公式。您可以在一些教科书、期刊和论文中找到此类公式。对于旋转部件,您需要其额定功率和转速才能估算噪声排放。



其中 r 是从源到接收器的距离。

在这种情况下,预测的 Lw 将为 100 dB。


获得所有噪声源的 Lw 后,我们要计算接收器处的噪声水平(Lp)。可以遵循一些标准来计算此值。其中很少有 ISO 9613-2、NORD 2000、CNOSSOS EU 等。大多数标准考虑了一些计算因素,例如距离、大气吸收、地面反射、屏蔽效应(障碍物和障碍物)以及其他因素,例如植被、工业场地等的体积吸收。大多数顾问和项目都需要SoundPLAN 等软件进行此计算。

根据项目的不同,有几种类型的噪声限制需要确保合规。最常见的是环境噪声限值、噪声暴露限值、区域噪声限值和绝对噪声限值。此外,还对紧急情况下的噪音水平进行了建模,以便该信息可用于安全和 PAGA(公共广播和一般警报)研究。

环境噪声限值通常根据工厂对工厂边界以及工厂附近的住宅和学校等最近的敏感接收器的贡献来计算。如何获取该信息取决于适用于厂区的法规。例如,在印度尼西亚,住宅区的噪音限值为 Lsm 55 dBA,工业区的噪音限值为 Lsm 70 dBA。 Lsm 与 Ldn 类似,但夜间噪声级附加值为 5 dB,而不是大多数其他国家(尤其是欧洲国家)使用的 10 dB 附加值。为确保符合本规定,围栏处的噪声水平应低于 Lsm 70 dBA,假设附近有住宅区,则该场地的贡献应低于 55 dBA。还建议测量敏感接收器处的现有噪声水平,以使研究更贴近实际情况。

噪声暴露限值是指工人在工作期间受到噪声的最大暴露量。在印度尼西亚,8 小时工作噪音暴露限值为 85 分贝。要更改工作时间,使用 3 dB 汇率。例如,如果工厂的噪音水平为88分贝,那么工人只能在那里工作4小时,如果是91分贝,那么时间限制为2小时,依此类推。要延长在嘈杂区域的工作时间,可以选择通过减少源头的噪音排放或传输过程中的噪音控制(例如使用屏障)来实际降低噪音水平,或者使用听力保护装置(HPD)来降低噪音水平。耳塞、耳罩等工人。使用 HPD 后工人的噪声暴露可使用以下公式计算:

其中 NRR 是 HPD 的降噪等级(以 dB 为单位)。

不同的区域可能有不同的噪声水平限制,因此区域噪声限制很有用。例如,在无人机械室中,噪声水平可能很高,例如 110 dBA。然而,在现场办公室内部,允许的噪音水平要低得多,例如 50 dBA。应计算该噪声水平以确保符合噪声限值。不同的公司可能对此有不同的限制,以确保员工的健康和生产力。如果该区域位于室内且噪声源位于室外,则可以使用 ISO 12354-3 等标准来估计内部噪声水平。

绝对噪声限值是工厂允许的最高噪声水平,任何时候都不得超过,包括紧急情况。在大多数情况下,脉冲声的绝对噪声限值为 140 dBA。为了确保符合此要求,应计算潜在的高水平噪声,例如安全阀。

紧急情况下,会启动与正常情况不同的噪声源,如火炬、排污阀、消防泵等设备。在这种情况下,工厂内的工人必须能够听到警报和公共广播系统的声音。通常,PAGA 系统的 SPL 目标应比噪声水平高 10 dB 以上。因此,应了解各区域紧急情况下的噪声水平。

Written by:

Hizkia Natanael
Acoustic Engineer
Phone: +6221 5010 5025
Email: hizkia@geonoise.asia

Asia Noise News Building Accoustics Environment Industrial



我们首先要知道的是工厂内部的噪声源会发出多少噪声。噪声源通常用两种方式描述:声功率级(Lw 或 SWL)和一定距离内的声压级(Lp 或 SPL),最常见的是 1 m 距离内的声压级(Lp 或 SPL)。有多种方法可以获取某些噪声源的信息——首先,如果选择了设备类型和型号,设备制造商通常会在其数据表中报告噪音水平。然而,大多数噪声预测通常并非如此,因为噪声研究通常是在指定设备供应商之前完成的。因此,预测噪声排放的第二种方法是遵循研究人员开发的经验公式。您可以在一些教科书、期刊和论文中找到此类公式。对于旋转部件,您需要其额定功率和转速才能估算噪声排放。



其中 r 是从源到接收器的距离。

在这种情况下,预测的 Lw 将为 100 dB。


获得所有噪声源的 Lw 后,我们要计算接收器处的噪声水平(Lp)。可以遵循一些标准来计算此值。其中很少有 ISO 9613-2、NORD 2000、CNOSSOS EU 等。大多数标准考虑了一些计算因素,例如距离、大气吸收、地面反射、屏蔽效应(障碍物和障碍物)以及其他因素,例如植被、工业场地等的体积吸收。大多数顾问和项目都需要SoundPLAN 等软件进行此计算。

根据项目的不同,有几种类型的噪声限制需要确保合规。最常见的是环境噪声限值、噪声暴露限值、区域噪声限值和绝对噪声限值。此外,还对紧急情况下的噪音水平进行了建模,以便该信息可用于安全和 PAGA(公共广播和一般警报)研究。

环境噪声限值通常根据工厂对工厂边界以及工厂附近的住宅和学校等最近的敏感接收器的贡献来计算。如何获取该信息取决于适用于厂区的法规。例如,在印度尼西亚,住宅区的噪音限值为 Lsm 55 dBA,工业区的噪音限值为 Lsm 70 dBA。 Lsm 与 Ldn 类似,但夜间噪声级附加值为 5 dB,而不是大多数其他国家(尤其是欧洲国家)使用的 10 dB 附加值。为确保符合本规定,围栏处的噪声水平应低于 Lsm 70 dBA,假设附近有住宅区,则该场地的贡献应低于 55 dBA。还建议测量敏感接收器处的现有噪声水平,以使研究更贴近实际情况。

噪声暴露限值是指工人在工作期间受到噪声的最大暴露量。在印度尼西亚,8 小时工作噪音暴露限值为 85 分贝。要更改工作时间,使用 3 dB 汇率。例如,如果工厂的噪音水平为88分贝,那么工人只能在那里工作4小时,如果是91分贝,那么时间限制为2小时,依此类推。要延长在嘈杂区域的工作时间,可以选择通过减少源头的噪音排放或传输过程中的噪音控制(例如使用屏障)来实际降低噪音水平,或者使用听力保护装置(HPD)来降低噪音水平。耳塞、耳罩等工人。使用 HPD 后工人的噪声暴露可使用以下公式计算:

其中 NRR 是 HPD 的降噪等级(以 dB 为单位)。

不同的区域可能有不同的噪声水平限制,因此区域噪声限制很有用。例如,在无人机械室中,噪声水平可能很高,例如 110 dBA。然而,在现场办公室内部,允许的噪音水平要低得多,例如 50 dBA。应计算该噪声水平以确保符合噪声限值。不同的公司可能对此有不同的限制,以确保员工的健康和生产力。如果该区域位于室内且噪声源位于室外,则可以使用 ISO 12354-3 等标准来估计内部噪声水平。

绝对噪声限值是工厂允许的最高噪声水平,任何时候都不得超过,包括紧急情况。在大多数情况下,脉冲声的绝对噪声限值为 140 dBA。为了确保符合此要求,应计算潜在的高水平噪声,例如安全阀。

紧急情况下,会启动与正常情况不同的噪声源,如火炬、排污阀、消防泵等设备。在这种情况下,工厂内的工人必须能够听到警报和公共广播系统的声音。通常,PAGA 系统的 SPL 目标应比噪声水平高 10 dB 以上。因此,应了解各区域紧急情况下的噪声水平。

Asia Noise News Building Accoustics Environment Industrial

Noise Level Prediction in Industry (Oil & Gas, Power Generation, Process, etc.)

Most industrial activities create noise that can be harmful to the environment as well as to their workers. To minimize this effect, governments, associations, and companies have created regulations, standards, and codes to set the allowable noise both inside the sites, that can be harmful to the workers, as well as to the environment. In a lot of cases, during the planning phase, the plant owner and project management want to be sure that the noise levels are acceptable. Since the plant is not built yet, what can be done is creating a noise model to simulate the plant, so that the noise levels can be predicted. In this article, we will explore how we can do so.

The first thing we must know is how much noise does the noise sources inside of the plant will emit. The noise source is usually described in two ways which is Sound Power Level (Lw or SWL), and Sound Pressure Level (Lp or SPL) in certain distance, most commonly Lp in 1 m distance. There are multiple ways to get this information for certain noise sources. First, if the equipment type and model have been chosen, the equipment manufacturer will normally report the noise level in their datasheet. However, this is not usually the case with most of noise predictions since the noise study is normally done before the equipment suppliers are appointed. So, the second way to be able to predict the noise emission is by following empirical formulas that are developed by researchers. You can find such formulas in some textbooks, journals, and papers. For rotating parts, you will need its rated power and rotational speed to be able to estimate the noise emission. 

For example, in the speed range of 3000-3600 rpm, the noise level of a pump with drive motor power above 75 kW can be predicted using the following equation:

Suppose a pump with rotational speed of 3000 rpm and 100 kW, according to the formula, it can be estimated that the noise level at 1 m from the pump would be 92 dB. And suppose the noise source can be considered as point source on the ground (hemisphere propagation), the sound power level of the pump can be calculated using the following formula:

Where r is the distance from source to receiver

And in this case, the predicted Lw would be 100 dB.

Thirds, noise measurement to a similar equipment can also be an option to be able to determine the noise level of the new equipment. Another option, in some countries, there are noise emission limit for certain equipment, you can use that limit if it is applicable for your project.

After the Lw of all noise sources is obtained, we want to calculate the noise levels (the Lp) at the receivers. There are some standards which procedure can be followed to calculate this. Few of which are ISO 9613-2, NORD 2000, CNOSSOS EU, and many others. Most of the standards consider some factors to the calculation such as distance, atmospheric absorption, ground reflection, screening effect (from barriers and obstacles) and other factors such as volume absorption from vegetation, industrial site, etc. Most consultants and projects will require a software such as SoundPLAN to do this calculation.

Depending the project, there are few types of noise limit which compliance will need to be ensured. The most common ones are environmental noise limit, noise exposure limit, area noise limit and absolute noise limit. Besides, the noise level during emergency is also modelled so that the information can be used for safety and PAGA (Public Address and General Alarm) study.

Environmental noise limit is usually calculated for the plant’s contribution to the plant’s boundary as well as to the nearest sensitive receiver such as residential and school near the plant. How this is accessed depends on the regulation applicable on the plant area. In Indonesia for example, the noise limit for residential area is Lsm 55 dBA and industrial area is Lsm 70 dBA. Lsm is a measure like Ldn, but the night noise level addition is 5 dB instead of the 10 dB addition that most other countries, especially Europeans use. To ensure compliance with this regulation, the noise level at fence should be less than Lsm 70 dBA, and suppose there is a residential area nearby, the contribution from the site should be less than 55 dBA. It is also advisable to measure the existing noise level at the sensitive receivers to make the study more relevant to the situation. 

Noise exposure limit is the maximum exposure to noise that the workers get during their working period. In Indonesia, the noise exposure limit is 85 dBA for 8 working hours. To change the working hours, 3 dB exchange rate is used. For example, if the noise level in the plant is 88 dBA, then the workers can only work there for 4 hours, if it is 91 dBA, then the time limit is 2 hours, and so on. To extend the working hours on a noisy area, the options are to actually reduce the noise level by reducing the noise emission from the source or noise control at transmission (for example using barrier), or by usage of Hearing Protection Device (HPD) for the workers such as ear plugs and ear muffs. The noise exposure of workers after usage of HPD can be calculated using the following formula:

Where NRR is the noise reduction rating of the HPD in dB.

Different area might have different noise level limits, and therefore area noise limits are useful. For example, in an unmanned mechanical room, the noise level can be high, for instance 110 dBA. However, inside of the site office, the allowable noise level is much lower, for example 50 dBA. This noise level shall be calculated to ensure compliance with the noise limit. Different companies might have different limits for this to ensure their employees’ health and productivity. If the area is indoor and the noise source is outdoor, then the interior noise level can be estimated using standards such as ISO 12354-3. 

The absolute noise limit is the highest noise level allowable at the plant, and shall not be exceeded at any times, including emergency. In most cases, the absolute noise limit for impulsive sound is 140 dBA. To ensure compliance with this requirement, potential high-level noise shall be calculated, for example safety valves.

During emergency, different noise sources than normal situation will be activated, such as flare, blowdown valves, fire pumps, and other equipment. In such cases, the sound from the alarm and Public Address system must be able to be heard by the workers inside of the plant. Normally the target for the SPL from the PAGA system should be higher than 10 dB above the noise level. Therefore, the noise level during emergency in each area should be well-known. 

Asia Noise News Building Accoustics Environment Industrial

Noise Level Prediction in Industry (Oil & Gas, Power Generation, Process, etc.)

Most industrial activities create noise that can be harmful to the environment as well as to their workers. To minimize this effect, governments, associations, and companies have created regulations, standards, and codes to set the allowable noise both inside the sites, that can be harmful to the workers, as well as to the environment. In a lot of cases, during the planning phase, the plant owner and project management want to be sure that the noise levels are acceptable. Since the plant is not built yet, what can be done is creating a noise model to simulate the plant, so that the noise levels can be predicted. In this article, we will explore how we can do so.

The first thing we must know is how much noise does the noise sources inside of the plant will emit. The noise source is usually described in two ways which is Sound Power Level (Lw or SWL), and Sound Pressure Level (Lp or SPL) in certain distance, most commonly Lp in 1 m distance. There are multiple ways to get this information for certain noise sources. First, if the equipment type and model have been chosen, the equipment manufacturer will normally report the noise level in their datasheet. However, this is not usually the case with most of noise predictions since the noise study is normally done before the equipment suppliers are appointed. So, the second way to be able to predict the noise emission is by following empirical formulas that are developed by researchers. You can find such formulas in some textbooks, journals, and papers. For rotating parts, you will need its rated power and rotational speed to be able to estimate the noise emission. 

For example, in the speed range of 3000-3600 rpm, the noise level of a pump with drive motor power above 75 kW can be predicted using the following equation:

Suppose a pump with rotational speed of 3000 rpm and 100 kW, according to the formula, it can be estimated that the noise level at 1 m from the pump would be 92 dB. And suppose the noise source can be considered as point source on the ground (hemisphere propagation), the sound power level of the pump can be calculated using the following formula:

Where r is the distance from source to receiver

And in this case, the predicted Lw would be 100 dB.

Thirds, noise measurement to a similar equipment can also be an option to be able to determine the noise level of the new equipment. Another option, in some countries, there are noise emission limit for certain equipment, you can use that limit if it is applicable for your project.

After the Lw of all noise sources is obtained, we want to calculate the noise levels (the Lp) at the receivers. There are some standards which procedure can be followed to calculate this. Few of which are ISO 9613-2, NORD 2000, CNOSSOS EU, and many others. Most of the standards consider some factors to the calculation such as distance, atmospheric absorption, ground reflection, screening effect (from barriers and obstacles) and other factors such as volume absorption from vegetation, industrial site, etc. Most consultants and projects will require a software such as SoundPLAN to do this calculation.

Depending the project, there are few types of noise limit which compliance will need to be ensured. The most common ones are environmental noise limit, noise exposure limit, area noise limit and absolute noise limit. Besides, the noise level during emergency is also modelled so that the information can be used for safety and PAGA (Public Address and General Alarm) study.

Environmental noise limit is usually calculated for the plant’s contribution to the plant’s boundary as well as to the nearest sensitive receiver such as residential and school near the plant. How this is accessed depends on the regulation applicable on the plant area. In Indonesia for example, the noise limit for residential area is Lsm 55 dBA and industrial area is Lsm 70 dBA. Lsm is a measure like Ldn, but the night noise level addition is 5 dB instead of the 10 dB addition that most other countries, especially Europeans use. To ensure compliance with this regulation, the noise level at fence should be less than Lsm 70 dBA, and suppose there is a residential area nearby, the contribution from the site should be less than 55 dBA. It is also advisable to measure the existing noise level at the sensitive receivers to make the study more relevant to the situation. 

Noise exposure limit is the maximum exposure to noise that the workers get during their working period. In Indonesia, the noise exposure limit is 85 dBA for 8 working hours. To change the working hours, 3 dB exchange rate is used. For example, if the noise level in the plant is 88 dBA, then the workers can only work there for 4 hours, if it is 91 dBA, then the time limit is 2 hours, and so on. To extend the working hours on a noisy area, the options are to actually reduce the noise level by reducing the noise emission from the source or noise control at transmission (for example using barrier), or by usage of Hearing Protection Device (HPD) for the workers such as ear plugs and ear muffs. The noise exposure of workers after usage of HPD can be calculated using the following formula:

Where NRR is the noise reduction rating of the HPD in dB.

Different area might have different noise level limits, and therefore area noise limits are useful. For example, in an unmanned mechanical room, the noise level can be high, for instance 110 dBA. However, inside of the site office, the allowable noise level is much lower, for example 50 dBA. This noise level shall be calculated to ensure compliance with the noise limit. Different companies might have different limits for this to ensure their employees’ health and productivity. If the area is indoor and the noise source is outdoor, then the interior noise level can be estimated using standards such as ISO 12354-3. 

The absolute noise limit is the highest noise level allowable at the plant, and shall not be exceeded at any times, including emergency. In most cases, the absolute noise limit for impulsive sound is 140 dBA. To ensure compliance with this requirement, potential high-level noise shall be calculated, for example safety valves.

During emergency, different noise sources than normal situation will be activated, such as flare, blowdown valves, fire pumps, and other equipment. In such cases, the sound from the alarm and Public Address system must be able to be heard by the workers inside of the plant. Normally the target for the SPL from the PAGA system should be higher than 10 dB above the noise level. Therefore, the noise level during emergency in each area should be well-known. 

Asia Noise News Building Accoustics Environment Industrial

Noise Level Prediction in Industry (Oil & Gas, Power Generation, Process, etc.)

Most industrial activities create noise that can be harmful to the environment as well as to their workers. To minimize this effect, governments, associations, and companies have created regulations, standards, and codes to set the allowable noise both inside the sites, that can be harmful to the workers, as well as to the environment. In a lot of cases, during the planning phase, the plant owner and project management want to be sure that the noise levels are acceptable. Since the plant is not built yet, what can be done is creating a noise model to simulate the plant, so that the noise levels can be predicted. In this article, we will explore how we can do so.

The first thing we must know is how much noise does the noise sources inside of the plant will emit. The noise source is usually described in two ways which is Sound Power Level (Lw or SWL), and Sound Pressure Level (Lp or SPL) in certain distance, most commonly Lp in 1 m distance. There are multiple ways to get this information for certain noise sources. First, if the equipment type and model have been chosen, the equipment manufacturer will normally report the noise level in their datasheet. However, this is not usually the case with most of noise predictions since the noise study is normally done before the equipment suppliers are appointed. So, the second way to be able to predict the noise emission is by following empirical formulas that are developed by researchers. You can find such formulas in some textbooks, journals, and papers. For rotating parts, you will need its rated power and rotational speed to be able to estimate the noise emission. 

For example, in the speed range of 3000-3600 rpm, the noise level of a pump with drive motor power above 75 kW can be predicted using the following equation:

Suppose a pump with rotational speed of 3000 rpm and 100 kW, according to the formula, it can be estimated that the noise level at 1 m from the pump would be 92 dB. And suppose the noise source can be considered as point source on the ground (hemisphere propagation), the sound power level of the pump can be calculated using the following formula:

Where r is the distance from source to receiver

And in this case, the predicted Lw would be 100 dB.

Thirds, noise measurement to a similar equipment can also be an option to be able to determine the noise level of the new equipment. Another option, in some countries, there are noise emission limit for certain equipment, you can use that limit if it is applicable for your project.

After the Lw of all noise sources is obtained, we want to calculate the noise levels (the Lp) at the receivers. There are some standards which procedure can be followed to calculate this. Few of which are ISO 9613-2, NORD 2000, CNOSSOS EU, and many others. Most of the standards consider some factors to the calculation such as distance, atmospheric absorption, ground reflection, screening effect (from barriers and obstacles) and other factors such as volume absorption from vegetation, industrial site, etc. Most consultants and projects will require a software such as SoundPLAN to do this calculation.

Depending the project, there are few types of noise limit which compliance will need to be ensured. The most common ones are environmental noise limit, noise exposure limit, area noise limit and absolute noise limit. Besides, the noise level during emergency is also modelled so that the information can be used for safety and PAGA (Public Address and General Alarm) study.

Environmental noise limit is usually calculated for the plant’s contribution to the plant’s boundary as well as to the nearest sensitive receiver such as residential and school near the plant. How this is accessed depends on the regulation applicable on the plant area. In Indonesia for example, the noise limit for residential area is Lsm 55 dBA and industrial area is Lsm 70 dBA. Lsm is a measure like Ldn, but the night noise level addition is 5 dB instead of the 10 dB addition that most other countries, especially Europeans use. To ensure compliance with this regulation, the noise level at fence should be less than Lsm 70 dBA, and suppose there is a residential area nearby, the contribution from the site should be less than 55 dBA. It is also advisable to measure the existing noise level at the sensitive receivers to make the study more relevant to the situation. 

Noise exposure limit is the maximum exposure to noise that the workers get during their working period. In Indonesia, the noise exposure limit is 85 dBA for 8 working hours. To change the working hours, 3 dB exchange rate is used. For example, if the noise level in the plant is 88 dBA, then the workers can only work there for 4 hours, if it is 91 dBA, then the time limit is 2 hours, and so on. To extend the working hours on a noisy area, the options are to actually reduce the noise level by reducing the noise emission from the source or noise control at transmission (for example using barrier), or by usage of Hearing Protection Device (HPD) for the workers such as ear plugs and ear muffs. The noise exposure of workers after usage of HPD can be calculated using the following formula:

Where NRR is the noise reduction rating of the HPD in dB.

Different area might have different noise level limits, and therefore area noise limits are useful. For example, in an unmanned mechanical room, the noise level can be high, for instance 110 dBA. However, inside of the site office, the allowable noise level is much lower, for example 50 dBA. This noise level shall be calculated to ensure compliance with the noise limit. Different companies might have different limits for this to ensure their employees’ health and productivity. If the area is indoor and the noise source is outdoor, then the interior noise level can be estimated using standards such as ISO 12354-3. 

The absolute noise limit is the highest noise level allowable at the plant, and shall not be exceeded at any times, including emergency. In most cases, the absolute noise limit for impulsive sound is 140 dBA. To ensure compliance with this requirement, potential high-level noise shall be calculated, for example safety valves.

During emergency, different noise sources than normal situation will be activated, such as flare, blowdown valves, fire pumps, and other equipment. In such cases, the sound from the alarm and Public Address system must be able to be heard by the workers inside of the plant. Normally the target for the SPL from the PAGA system should be higher than 10 dB above the noise level. Therefore, the noise level during emergency in each area should be well-known. 

Asia Noise News


就像人类一样,狗有时天生听力受损,或者由于疾病、炎症、衰老或暴露于噪音而导致听力损失。伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳分校兽医神经学家兼兽医临床医学教授卡里·福斯 (Kari Foss) 博士表示,狗主人和 K-9 饲养员在收养或照顾狗以及将狗带入嘈杂的环境时应牢记这一点。




福斯说:“最常见的是,噪音引起的听力损失是由于耳蜗中响​​应声波而振动的毛细胞受损造成的。” “然而,极端的噪音也可能会损坏耳膜和内耳内的小骨头,称为小骨。”








“主人可以使用眼神交流、面部表情和手势来与宠物交流,”她说。 “零食、玩具奖励和关爱会让狗对训练保持兴趣。”闪烁的灯可用于指示宠物进来。

福斯说,听力损失似乎不会影响狗的生活质量。“患有先天性听力损失的狗在成长过程中完全没有意识到它们与其他狗有任何不同,”她说。 “在以后的生活中失去听力的狗可能会更敏锐地意识到自己的听力损失,但它们适应得很好。嗅觉丧失对狗的生活的影响比听力丧失的影响要大得多。”

Written by:

Pitupong Sarapho (Pond)
Acoustical Engineer

Geonoise (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
Tel: +6621214399
Mobile: +66868961299
Email: pond@geonoise.asia


Credit: Diana Yates, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Asia Noise News Building Accoustics





Exploring Jakartan Public Transportation Through The Sound


另一种对铁路噪声影响很大的噪声成分是空气动力噪声,它可能由多个来源引起。这些类型的源对内部噪声和外部噪声的贡献可能不同。例如,在较低速度下,空气动力噪声对内部噪声的影响相当大,而对于外部噪声,如果火车速度相对较低,则空气动力噪声的贡献不大。例如,美国联邦铁路管理局(美国交通部)撰写的报告指出,空气动力源在时速约 180 英里(约 290 公里/小时)时开始产生显着噪音。低于该速度,外部噪声计算时仅考虑滚动噪声和推进/机械噪声。除了外部噪声之外,机械噪声也会影响内部噪声水平。该类别包括发动机、电动机、空调设备等。

为了进行铁路噪声测量,通常遵循几个步骤。对于火车经过噪声的测量,通常使用 ISO 3095 声学 – 铁路应用 – 测量轨道车辆发出的噪声。该标准共三版,首版于1975年发布,2005年、2013年再次修改批准。列车通过时常用的衡量标准有最大声级(LAmax)、声暴露级(SEL)和过境暴露级(电话)。

对于内部噪声,ISO 3381 铁路应用 – 声学 – 轨道车辆内部噪声测量中指定了常用的测试程序。该程序规定了几种不同条件下的测量,例如匀速列车、静止加速列车、减速车辆和静止车辆的测量。

Written by:

Hizkia Natanael

Acoustical Design Engineer

Geonoise Indonesia




D. J. Thompson. Railway noise and vibration: mechanisms, modelling and means of control. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2008

Federal Railroad Administration – U.S. Department of Transportation, High-Speed Ground Transportation Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment. DOT/FRA/ORD-12/15. 2012


Asia Noise News



噪音通常被定义为“不需要的声音”。声音的单位是分贝,它是用压力对数计算得出的值,范围为 0 到 120 dB,其中 0 dB 是听力健康的年轻人的听力阈值,120 dB 是疼痛阈值。



声音需要介质才能传播,声速约为每秒 340 米。典型噪音水平示例:



3 dB + 3 dB = 6 dB


10 dB + 10 dB 不等于 20 dB 而是 13 dB

空气中声音的分贝(声压级)相对于 20 微帕斯卡 (μPa) = 2×10−5 Pa,这是人类能听到的最小的声音。


人类听觉系统能够听到 20 Hz 至 20000 Hz 之间的声音。低于 20 Hz 的称为次声波,高于 20000 Hz 的称为超声波。我们听不到红外线和超声波。然而,大象可以听到低至 14 Hz 的频率,而蝙蝠可以听到高达 80000 Hz 的频率。

20 世纪 30 年代引入了一种针对人类感知的特殊噪声加权,称为 A 加权分贝,dB(A)。引入这一点是为了使噪声水平与人类听觉系统的灵敏度和物理形状保持一致。






  • 一般认为安全的是每天在不超过 80 dB(A) 的环境中度过 8 小时
  • 在迪斯科舞厅度过 1 小时是不安全的,而 100 dB(A) 的音量现在很容易超越


  • 高血压
  • 心脏病
  • 烦恼——压力
  • 免疫系统——心身

要记住的积极的一面是,噪音引起的听力损失是 100% 可以预防的!







过去 15 年我一直住在亚洲,当然我注意到这里很吵。噪音法规(如果有的话)非常宽松,而且大多不执行。我很高兴看到声学协会在亚洲国家兴起,并且可以说服政府投资建立适当的噪音法规并执行这些法规。我很高兴能够通过提高人们对噪音危险的认识来为更安静的世界做出贡献!
