Asia Noise News Building Accoustics


在曼谷这样人口稠密的城市,大多数建设项目都被公寓、办公室或住宅区包围。施工现场必须控制可能影响周围环境的噪声和振动。建筑工地需要按照 EIA 标准控制其产生的噪音和振动水平。



符合IEC61672-1标准的2级声级计,可以采集SPL、LEQ和LMAX数据。这些仪器在安装到建筑工地之前经过校准。该系统配有 LED 显示屏,并在工地噪音水平超过建筑工地周围最大声级标准中提到的触发水平时发出警告灯。


声级计设计用于户外,并由专业声音和振动公司 Geonoise 添加了额外的 LED 显示屏。带 LED 显示的声级计还可以分析百分位数(统计,Ln)的响度或分析 1/1 和 1/3 倍频程的频率。除了存储振动数据之外,您还可以在振动级别超过监控正在执行的活动的标准值之前以警报警报格式创建级别通知。



因此,有必要根据国家环境委员会公告第37号,BE 2553 (2010) Re: 确定标准振动以防止对建筑物的影响以及需要的测量仪器来满足建筑物的振动标准符合 DIN45699-1 标准。


国家环境委员会第 37 号公告,BE 2553 防止对建筑物影响的振​​动标准是泰国建筑工地需要遵守的主要法规。振动标准源自 DIN 4150-3,而建筑物分为 3 类。

符合 DIN 4150-3 的建筑类型:

  • 1类建筑:如商业建筑、公共建筑、大型建筑等。
  • 2类建筑:住宅、宿舍、医院、教育机构等。
  • 3类建筑,如考古遗址或文化价值不强的建筑等。


Asia Noise News Building Accoustics



根据瑞士污染地图服务公司AirVisual于7月18日的数据,雅加达的空气质量指数 (AQI) 为 153,属于不健康类别,可能会导致心脏和肺部恶化。针对这种情况,AirVisual建议佩戴防污染口罩并在室内使用空气净化器。 AQI 测量五种标准空气污染物(颗粒物、硫磺、二氧化氮、一氧化碳、二氧化氮和臭氧),并将测得的社区空气中污染物浓度转换为 0 到 500 范围内的数字。

空气质量指数 – AirVisual

雅加达是世界上最大的城市群之一。城市人口不受控制的增长与雅加达的车辆数量成正比。根据Badan Pusat Statistik(印度尼西亚统计局)的数据,雅加达的机动车辆每年增长5.35%,但另一方面,这种增长也会增加雅加达的污染数量。这一说法得到了雅加达环境局代理局长安多诺·瓦里赫 (Andono Warih) 的支持,机动车辆的燃油残留物是严重空气污染的主要原因,因为从雅加达大区 (Jabodetabek) 到雅加达大区 (Jabodetabek) 的 80% 使用柴油驱动的车辆首都。


印度尼西亚的城市交通系统包括公共汽车、有轨电车、轻轨、地铁、快速交通和渡轮。特别是在雅加达,通勤线列车、轻轨交通 (LRT) 和大众捷运 (MRT) 等城市轨道交通提供了前往市区的机动性和便利性。

雅加达地铁第一期 – 雅加达地铁

雅加达地铁(MRT-J)第一期工程已于 2019 年 3 月开始运营。日常运营中,地铁从 Lebak Bulus Grab 车站开往 Bundaran HI 车站。铁路沿线设站13座;地铁站有 Bundaran HI、Dukuh Atas BNI、Setiabudi Astra、Bendungan Hilir、Istora Mandiri 和 Senayan 站。同时,地上车站有ASEAN、Blok M、Blok A、Haji Nawi、Cipete Raya、Fatmawati 和 Lebak Bulus Grab Station。 MRT-J仅需30分钟,从雅加达南部的Lebak Bulus Grab车站出发,沿着16公里的铁路行驶到雅加达中部的Bundaran HI站。

有16条火车线路可供乘客出行。根据 MRT-J 网站,工作日运营的列车运行时间为 05:00 WIB 至 24:00 WIB,总共 285 趟车次。同时,周末运营时,列车同一时间发车,共计219趟。






声音是通过声音行走方法记录的,任何主要目的是聆听环境的旅行。无论我们身在何处,它都会让我们的耳朵听到周围的每一种声音。我们可能在家里,穿过市中心的街道,甚至在办公室。同时,在本例中,我们的环境位于雅加达地铁线内。目标是捕获 MRT-J 运营期间存在的任何声源,包括乘客的活动。

声音是使用 iPhone X 上安装的麦克风在距地面 1.2 m 的高度录制的。以下声音是MRT-J从Bundaran HI站行驶到Setiabudi Astra站时录制的环境,录制声音的时长为4分40秒。请使用耳机或任何类似设备收听音频以获得更好的体验。

注意:请将音量设置在最大音量的 50 – 70% 左右。


  1. 发动机声音增加速度
  2. 公共地址系统
  3. 发动机声音
  4. 钢轨摩擦力
  5. 乘客的活动(咳嗽、打喷嚏、谈话、脚步声等)
  6. 开门的声音
  7. 刹车异响

现在我们已经识别了录音中出现的声源。但是,你知道乘坐MRT-J出行时我要忍受多少分贝吗?在本文中,在雅加达捷运中使用声级计对沿常规路线的乘客进行了手动测量噪声级。在 08:00 至 09:00 期间,使用距地面 1.2 m 的支架上的校准麦克风直接记录从一个站点到下一个站点的 A 计权声级测量结果。图 1 显示了 MRT-J 中乘客沿常规路线从一个车站到下一车站的等效连续 A 加权噪声级 Leq (LAEq) 的结果。

Leq 是测量期间平均噪声水平的 A 加权能量平均值。测量结果显示,A 计权噪声电平在 77 dB 至 82 dB 之间变化。此外,如果我们仔细观察图表,就会发现噪音水平正在波动。它可能是由很多因素引起的,例如:

  1. MRTJ的位置(当MRT-J在隧道内时,由于反射现象,噪音会被拉平)。
  2. 速度(机器指示在最大速度时产生较大噪音)。
  3. 路径交叉。
  4. 公共广播系统卷。

此外,图1中的连续噪声水平代表了一个相当嘈杂的环境。根据国家耳聋和其他沟通障碍研究所的报告,长期或反复暴露于 85 分贝或以上的声音会导致听力损失。因此,根据测量结果,我建议大家在乘坐MRT-J通勤时佩戴护耳器。耳塞是我们可以用来保护听力的装备之一;你只需要花几千卢比就能做到这一点。佩戴耳塞可以帮助您降低 18 – 34 分贝的噪音,具体取决于型号/品牌。为了获得更准确的结果,我们需要进行复杂的测量,例如:

  1. 添加测量点(在本文中,仅在线路第二节车厢的一个测量点进行测量)
  2. 添加速度作为测量参数。
  3. 添加测量时间;测量可以在工作时间内不间断地进行。 (05:00 – 24:00 世界银行)。


  • 45 分贝:许多关注居民工业噪音暴露的城市设定的夜间噪音条例阈值
  • 65 db+:长时间暴露在噪音下会导致身体和精神疲劳
  • 85 dB+:如果长时间暴露在外可能会导致永久性听力损失
  • 85-120 dB:暴露超过 30 分钟就有危险
  • 120-130 dB:暴露时间超过 30 秒可能会导致永久性听力损失
  • 130 dB+:这些噪音不仅令人痛苦,而且如果无法避免,应始终使用听力保护装置。










Westerkamp, Hildegard (1974). “Soundwalking”. Sound Heritage



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The Do’s and Don’ts of Korean Audio Translation

Our proprietary translation procedure can scale to fulfill your requirements, however large the undertaking. The option of one-way translation is really intentional. In addition, many services offer localization testing and cultural consulting to make sure your translation is logical both linguistically and contextually in your intended country.

Agencies will offer pricing guidelines dependent on the details you provide. Remittance charges are also the obligation of the customer. Our certified translations are accepted by the USCIS, and the other immigration purposes.



Top Advice on Korean Words Translation

If you go to Korea, don’t be worried should you not know a lot of the language. For example, the Asian languages are thought to be very complex since they use a very different alphabet and culture.

Why Almost Everything You’ve Learned About Korean Words Translation Is Wrong

You don’t need to know much else so long as you know verbs, because verbs allow you to get things done. An excellent phrase to learn, even though it could most likely be shorter. Even if words seem similar, they are able to have completely different meanings.

Although there’s a thing


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Introducing Translation of Norwegian

In all hotels and many restaurants you’ll have no troubles with English. Well, a number of them are probably longing for those beaches of the Canary Islands or Thailand. Our linguists will work with each other to make sure that the Danish project was perfected to make sure its reputation.

The One Thing to Do for Translation of Norwegian

Learning the Norwegian alphabet is quite important because its structure is utilized in everyday conversation. It’s closely linked to Swedish and Danish. It permits you to see the progress of every order you’ve placed and make alterations if needed.

The table below shows indicative translation prices for different sorts of documents based on the excellent level requested. Still, companies pay the premium and receive their services and products into Norwegian. There’s a array of data readily available, all collected at various times by different sources.

Type of Translation of Norwegian

If you’re planning to employ a self-employed translator, start looking for someone who’s a native speaker of the language you wish to translate into. Interpreters usually has to be fluent speakers or signers of both languages, since they communicate back and forth among people who don’t share a typical language. Most of its speakers reside in the nation of Bangladesh, where it’s the official language.

Almiaad is the sole agency in the current market which can fully translate Arabic into literally any language on earth! The Norwegian financial markets are very limited, especially in regards https://wisetranslations.com/ to derivatives. Breeding peaks during the summertime.

The Unexpected Truth About Translation of Norwegian

Detailed instructions allow you to understand and take part in the conversation. After that, give your email and a couple of minutes later you’re going to be sent your translation.

It is the sensation of emptiness in a specific moment, as soon as a person experiences saudade the most. Fully being a Germanic language, you will see a great deal of cognates right at the beginning. For the rest, it is a second language.

The True Meaning of Translation of Norwegian

In case you have any further questions regarding how we protect your privacy, please get in touch with us. Our high technology language management computer software tools enable us to make certain that you’re never going to pay twice for the exact same sentence to be translated. You may opt for an expert that fulfills your requirements.

Your deposition interpreters are amazingly professional. Training Interpreters and translators usually do not require any formal training, since they are predicted to be in a position to interpret and translate before they are hired. Our crew of Norwegian translators can help you with all your translation requirements.

Translation of Norwegian – the Story

If you’re looking for other kinds of translation projects, our translation agency has a group of Norwegian Translators skilled in various fields of expertise, and we’re going to make certain the finest professional translator is handpicked for your undertaking. The Translation People’s Norwegian translations are made by experts working exclusively in their native language and are tailored especially to satisfy the needs of the Norwegian sector.

After every document is translated, it is going to be edited and proofread through an additional expert translator to ensure highest possible quality. If you’re in search of the professional Norwegian document translations, look no more. You will receive the translation punctually.

The Translation of Norwegian Cover Up

Almiaad is the sole agency in the current market which can fully translate Arabic into literally any language on earth! Anyway, Norway is also well-known for its normal residue like gas and crude oil along with several different sources. Besides, it is also known for its natural deposits like gas and crude oil as well as many other resources.

The Basics of Translation of Norwegian

Perhaps you don’t know the precise Norwegian spelling of a word. The both of them are extremely similar whilst the Sami language is of a entirely different origin. It is possible to also choose the tone of the text.

Reading foreign texts is a superb method to https://blogs.transparent.com/norwegian/norwegian-numbers-1-100/ norwegian translation services increase your language. Some expressions make no sense whatsoever, unless you truly know the meaning. Based on the aim of the text, a translator can then select the right type of language and appropriate words to prevent misunderstandings.

The War Against Translation of Norwegian

Within this brief article you are going to learn how to say thank you in Norwegian. Only the initial two verses are. Without it, you won’t be in a position to say words properly even if you understand how to compose those words.

Let’s look at a number of the Chinese translations of Trump’s latest crudities. Interpreters usually has to be fluent speakers or signers of both languages, since they communicate back and forth among people who don’t share a typical language. Most of its speakers reside in the nation of Bangladesh, where it’s the official language.

Things You Should Know About Translation of Norwegian

Your deposition interpreters are amazingly professional. We have an outstanding selection of experienced translators who will be able to help you with both official Norwegian languages. Our experienced Norwegian migration translators are prepared to assist.


Details of Norwegian Translation Software

There’s no need to contact Halloran Software as a way to install the CD to unique computers. Furthermore, programs that make it possible for you to mute the software’s listening ability give you privacy when you require it. This type of software is supposed to help save you time, and programs with a minimal accuracy score might force you to return and spend time manually editing your document.

Undoubtedly there are far more severe objects or systems that have to get understood by means of a great number of people in many languages. Many people don’t know is that French was considered the worldwide lingua franca a typical language with which people all over the world can converse for quite a while, until the growth of the British and American empires brought English into prominence. At the exact same time, men and women in the globalised world increasingly wish to be capable of using foreign languages actively rather than simply comprehending them.

Formerly one would utilize Google Translate to earn a draft and use a dictionary and common sense to fix the many mistakes. Every definition has https://wiki.ucl.ac.uk/display/ScanStuds/Norwegian+Greetings examples that were written to help you recognize the way the word is used. Some words might not be OCR’d correctly and might call for manual intervention.

Moreover, the ideal software can comprehend many different voices, accents and languages. Or you’re able to switch to simple typing, which means a choice wisetranslations of letters show up on the screen and you pick the one which’s needed next. All games aren’t created equally.

Lies You’ve Been Told About Norwegian Translation Software

The International” control panel also enables you to set your language choices. It’s possible for you to learn from your house computer or study vocabulary words on your cell phone. If you began reading on a date besides the traditional January 1st starting date just select your start date on both of the 7 Day Reading pages and we’re going to display the studying links you’re scheduled for.

Any type of education can be rather dull once you approach learning through repetitive rote learning methods. The program doesn’t require install. It will guide you through the basics and cover a variety of topics that will give you a thorough knowledge of the language.

Still, there are a few things we can assert with a level of certainty. The most essential part for attaining your aim of fluency is, obviously, to actually learn the things you’re collecting. There are lots of unique lessons accessible to learn, from the basics of numbers and colors to having the ability to hold a conversation in your intended language.

My Learning Path lets you know in regards to the units and lessons you’ll learn. On occasion the lessons don’t progress, so you might accidentally repeat levels if you don’t quit and restart the app. Software that may transcribe audio files gives you the ability to capture dialogue from a college lecture or a telephone call, saving you the trouble of needing to achieve that.

The Lost Secret of Norwegian Translation Software

Cardinal Numbers and Ordinal Numbers have an extremely significant role in Norwegian. On the other hand, the issue with Google Translate is that its translations are not too reliable.

Besides doing better business in america, Spanish could broaden horizons in countries such as Paraguay and Ecuador. Fluctuations in estimates can result from population development, in addition to how linguists decide to group dialects and microlanguages into larger groups. Since you may see, speaking this language is firstly a means to access a diversity of cultures, but also a means to boost your business opportunities both in European and African nations and in certain American communities.

After every document is translated, it is going to be edited and proofread through an additional expert translator to ensure highest possible quality. The Tesseract engine source code is currently maintained by Google and the undertaking are available here. Heck, there’s even a Unicode edition of Klingon.

Still, there are a few things we can assert with a level of certainty. The most essential part for attaining your aim of fluency is, obviously, to actually norwegian translation services learn the things you’re collecting. There are lots of unique lessons accessible to learn, from the basics of numbers and colors to having the ability to hold a conversation in your intended language.

Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Norwegian Translation Software

There’s no need to contact Halloran Software as a way to install the CD to unique computers. The busier your way of life, the more you may profit from this software that can help streamline and simplify your life. This type of software is supposed to help save you time, and programs with a minimal accuracy score might force you to return and spend time manually editing your document.

It’s a command line program that enables you to recognize characters from an image file. After pasting, you might need to decide on the suitable font in your intended application to observe all characters (see below for font recommendations). Both files should be translated to fully translate OpenProject.

With the arrangement of the results it’s easy to discover the suitable English word. Every definition has examples that were written to help you recognize the way the word is used. Some words might not be OCR’d correctly and might call for manual intervention.

The dictionary specifies different kinds of inflections and data on inflection based on the language. 270 dictionaries are available! The Langenscheidt online dictionaries supply the very same content that is contained in the print dictionary.


Secret Techniques for Book Report Writer Only the Pros Know

The One Thing to Do for Book Report Writer

If you want, you can incorporate a last thought on who you’d suggest the book for and explain your reasons. Make certain you use a good deal of examples from the book to strengthen your opinions. Of course, the questions which you ask ought to be relevant to the book.

Therefore, although most of the time you might not be writing your own book jacket copy, it’s still vital for any writer in order to achieve that. Best research paper At the concluding stage of a book file, the author can specify if he’s refereed other sources besides the book in question. Each and every guide record writer is centered on a specific location, meaning they realize how to find the best markings on the bottom because there’s a enlightening experience.

The purpose of view for the full book is third person limited. https://cbshouston.edu/writing-helps It’s always great to have a simple approach to do book reports with your children. You do not have to struggle as soon as you’re able to find that customized book report that you desire online.

Pretend the book will be made into a movie and make a poster to market the movie. The third part is going to be the book reports’ conclusion, which ought to restate particulars of the book such title and author whilst giving additional point and a review of the report. research paper writing help On occasion a book is going to have moral a lesson to learn.

There are lots of articles online about writing a book file, but few are helpful. The subject of the book is not important. In writing a book file, Picking up of subject is the very first step.

The books permit us to envision a magical world that we’re not able to see. Newspapers Newspaper headlines are made to capture your attention. If a person lets you know your story is ‘episodic’, they mean your story is a string of episodes, or events, which are very loosely tied together.

If you read a biography, write about a few of the essential events in his or her life. If it’s too problematic for you to critically evaluate a book, our writing service will be pleased to give you help with internet book reports whenever you need. After selecting a book, students will want to recognize the crucial elements of the story they are reading.

Some research might be required when writing a report, but a report is mostly a paper which expects you to interpret the data on which you report as opposed to gather the data by yourself. Book reports are a large part of the curriculum. A multi-page report is made by the student and could take more than 1 night to complete.

What the In-Crowd Won’t Tell You About Book Report Writer

Book report writing could be time-consuming. Provide your own personal opinion of the book and the most significant things you’ve picked together with an general approach that you developed. Writing book reports demand a substantial quantity of time and efforts.

Furthermore, writers are specialists in various fields, so that you may be certain they will find you the most suitable writer for you. Our writers are prepared to complete tasks with diverse heights of urgency.

Make certain that your organization report is organized and clean with a lot of spaces. The degree of analysis and material quality varies, based on the amount of book report. It isn’t simple to compose a business report.

A research question is a question that’s formulated in a lot of stages. If you must produce your own thesis, don’t stress about a very clear objective in the start. Sometimes it’s possible to have a very clear objective in mind before you begin.

Properly citing sources is essential to a skilled and total biographical essay. You might decide to compose a book analysis as a way to think critically about the bit of literature and determine your literary preferences. Allow the key ideas you need to cover in your report to just flow out onto the webpage.
